"Lunar Strain" Album (1994)
"The Jester Race" Album (1996)
2.The Jester's Dance
10.Dead God In Me

"Whoracle" Album (1997)
1. Jotun
2. Food For The Gods
3. Gyroscope
4. The Hive
5. Dialogue With The Stars
6. Jester Script Transfigured
7. Morphing Into Primal
8. Worlds Within The Margin
9. Episode 666
10. Everything Counts
11. Whoracle

"Colony" Album (1999)
6.Pallar Anders Visa
12.Clad In Shadows '99
13.Man Made God

"Reroute To Remain" Album (2002)
"Soundtrack To Your Escape" Album (2004)

"A Sense Of Purpose" Album (2008)